Do you struggle with rings or bar muscle-ups? Understand the key differences between the two movements to build your capacity and movement quality in both.
Rowing for Calories versus Meters
“How should I row when a workout is for Calories? How about for Meters?” Get your questions answered & some practical sample workouts to clarify scenarios.
What I Learned from 30 Days of CrossFit Affiliate Classes
What happens when a high-level competitive Functional Fitness athlete who is accustomed to personalized programming and double days does CrossFit®Classes instead?
Considerations for Big & Tall CrossFit Competitors
Find out how to develop gymnastics & bodyweight movements, build skills, and up your endurance to maximize your athletic potential in the sport of Functional Fitness.
Should My Training Be Biased? Take this Fitness Test To Find Out.
Take our 6 benchmark fitness tests to find out what type of athlete you are. Your results will reveal if you need a strength, gymnastics or conditioning bias.
The Top 10 Most Impactful Fitness Podcast Episodes of my Life
Searching for new fitness podcast episodes? Stop. I’ve done it for you over the last 10 years. Here are my top ten podcasts on a variety of fitness topics.