In this episode, I’ll cover various training protocols for powerful vs. enduring athletes, but first I’ll cover technique for Met-Cons, bike setup and more!
#004: Nasal Breathing
This informative rant covers the benefits of nasal breathing including: increased capillary flow, less stressful workouts and shifting state.
#003: Don’t Guess, Assess
This informative rant covers the mistakes I see coaches & self-coached athlete make in assessing weaknesses. I detail my 6-Step Assessment process.
#002: Developing Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Learn how to build strict pulling strength, the butterfly vs. gymnastics kip & how different levels of athletes can work to overcome their unique limiters.
#001: The King | Movement Density
Learn what movement density is & how it can be trained to take your fitness performance to the next level in Weightlifting, Gymnastics & Cyclical movements.