For Details About Heart Rate Zones, Interpreting the Programming, Oly Warm-Ups, Reading Tempo & Paces and More, Visit this Page.
New Cycle Overview
Monday, October 10
B. Power Clean + Squat Clean + Jerk (8 Sets) 85% of Weakest Lift
*drop & reset b/w the cleans
C. Front Squat (4 x 3) 75% @30×1
D. AMRAP 15:00 @ 85% Effort
-20 Double Unders; Drag or Heavy Rope
-12 GHD Sit-Ups
-2 Rope Climb
E. 4 Rounds for Quality
-5-7 Strict Pull-Ups
-9-12 Deficit Push-Ups
F. Banded 90-90 Raises (3 x 12)
Tuesday, October 11
3 Rounds for Quality
-10 Up-Dog to Down-Dog
-20s Elevated Cat Pose
-30s Squat Hold with Rig Support
Squat Sequence 2.0
*Wall walk + 8s overhead opener after each element
12 Sets: (rest 1:1 b/w)
-12 Wall Ball 20/14lb to 10/9ft
-6 BBJO 24/20″
-3 Wall Walk
12 Rounds; for Distance
-20s Row
-20s Rest
Wednesday, October 12
3 Rounds @ Warm-Up Pace
-1:00 AirBike
-20s Y Overhead Stretch on the Rings
-10 Tabletop Glute Bridge
-10 Alternating Lizards
-20s Saddle Pose
EMOM 5: Muscle Snatch + 3 Pausing OHS 30% of Snatch
Build to 75% of Snatch for a Power Snatch double
A. Snatch Battery
E2M x 10 Sets: 1.1 Power Snatch 75%
*ride the AirBike @ easy pace in remainder
(rest as little as possible b/w reps of snatches)
B. Snatch High Pull (6 x 2) 110%
C. E90s x 6 Sets: 15s AirBike Sprint @ Max Effort
*to learn more about the “why” view this video
D. 10:00 AirBike @ Recovery Pace
E. Couch Stretch (2 x 1:30 / side)
Thursday, October 13
O2 Reload Protocol
[30:00 Clock]
-3:00 Choice Erg @ Zone 0
-2:00 Choice Mobility or Foam Roll
A. Tabletop Glute Bridge (2 x 15)
B. 90-90 Hip Rotations (2 x 20s)
C. Air Squat Hold with Rig Support (2 x 20s)
D. Sumo Stance Good Morning; Empty Barbell (2 x 8)
E. Kettlebell Windmill (2 x 5 / arm) light
F. Crossover Reverse Fly (2 x 12)
G. Shrimp Squat (2 x 5 / leg)
H. Dumbbell Cuban Press (2 x 8 / arm) light
I. Banded Face Pulls (2 x 20)
J. Seated Banded Hamstring Curls (2 x 25)
Friday, October 14
1k Row @ Ramping Pace
B. EMOM 5: 3 BB Bent Over Row + 3 Hang Power Clean + 3 Front Squat + 3 Strict Press empty bar
C. EMOM 10: 3 TnG Power Clean + 3 TnG Push Jerk
*learn about cycling clean & jerks for efficiency
Coach’s Notes: There is no Rx loading here. Know yourself and pick a wieght that you know will be repeatable across 60 reps in 10 minutes for your current fitness level. The goal should be to end at RPE ~8.0
D. EMOM 15
1) 12s Max sHSPU
2) 12s Max RMU
3) 12s Max TTB
E. E6M x 4 Sets:
-1 LLRC + 1 RC
-500m Row
-Max Bar-Facing Burpees, Until 3:00 Mark
F. 400m Walk with Breath Sync
Saturday, October 15
The Name Game
3 Rounds @ Warm-Up Pace
-1:00 AirBike
-1:00 Ski
-1:00 Row
3-5 Rounds @ Warm-Up Pace
-5 Seal Push-Ups
-15s Seal Stretch
-15s Supinated Dead Hang
-15s Elevated Cat Pose with Fingers Interlocked
-15s Banded Front Rack Stretch / side
-15s Saddle Pose
[12:00 Clock]Prep All Gym + WL Movements:
-HSW/WW, SB Carry, DB Thruster, Farmer’s Carry, GHD Sit-Ups

“Black Eyed Peas”
(score is total reps for all 3 parts)
**all lengths are 25 feet
[At 0:00]
AMRAP 12:00
-21/15 Calorie AirBike
-4 Length Sandbag Carry 150/100lb
-2 Length Handstand Walk
-15/12 Calorie AirBike
-4 Length Sandbag Carry 150/100lb
-2 Length Handstand Walk
-9/7 Calorie AirBike
-4 Length Sandbag Carry 150/100lb
-2 Length Handstand Walk
*sub 2 Wall Walks for each HSW Length
[At 16:00]
AMRAP 12:00
-21/15 Calorie Ski
-21 DB Thrusters*
-4 Length Farmer’s Carry*
-15/12 Calorie Ski
-15 DB Thrusters*
-4 Length Farmer’s Carry*
-9/7 Calorie Ski
-9 DB Thrusters*
-4 Length Farmer’s Carry*
*50/35lb per Hand
[At 32:00]
Every 2:00 x 3 Sets:
-20 GHD Sit-Ups
-Max Row Cals In Remaining Time
5min Easy AirBike
Hip Flexor Mobility Checklist
Sunday, October 16
(Rest Day)
Complete the ZOAR Fitness Rest Day Protocol.
The Whiteboard
Ask Questions. Record Results. Share Wins. Talk Trash.