Matt Wiebke is coach in the CrossFit community who has become well known for helping his clients develop incredible conditioning.
He has gone to the CrossFit Games as a Masters Athlete and has worked with many high level competitors in the Sport.
His company is The Gains Lab, and in the podcast we talk about Year of the Engine.
In today’s conversation we talk about a number of topics including…
(1) His thoughts on… “Conditioning takes Months.”
(2) Pacing by Feel
(3) Writing Conditioning Programs for Groups
(4) Workouts Targeting Fast or Slow Twitch Fiber Types
(5) The Role of Easy Aerobic Work for CrossFit Athletes
(6) Developing Maximal Strength based on Athlete Limitations
(7) Organizing a Training Year for Peaking in Competition
Instagram: @thegainslab1
Informative rants on the Sport of Fitness.
No fluff, No BS. Just practical ways to help you improve your fitness.

#026: Matt Wiebke of the Gains Lab on Building an Engine for CrossFit | ZOAR Fitness