Show Notes
Part 1: Developing Strength
Part 2: Developing Technique
Part 3: Developing Capacity
Part 1: Developing Strength
How strong is strong enough?“
Minimum Strength Levels
-2-Minute Dead Hang
-5 Strict Pull-Ups
-5 Strict Dips
This means you are strong enough to start a progression that can later yield a Muscle-Up.
Ideal Strength Levels
1 Strict Pull-Up with 140% of your bodyweight
1 Strict Parallel Dip with 140% of your bodyweight
Stronger is better. But also, lighter is better.
Related | 012: Optimizing Your Body for Fitness Performance
Strength qualities that aren’t accounted for in the requirements…
Straight Arm Pulling Strength
Strength Speed
- Lifting moderate percentages AFAP (As Fast As Possible)
- SkiErg Sprints on low damper
Turnover Strength
- Strict Chest-to-Bar (versus standard pull-ups)
- Deep Ring Dips
- Ring Row Hold to Chest
- Low Ring Transition Drill
- Russian Dips
Ring Instability
- Dip & Support Holds on Rings
- FLR Holds (Front Lever Ring)
Part 2: Developing Technique
Common Issues with Technique that I see…
The Mount / Starting Place (Rings = under) (Bar = behind)
- This screws up the trajectory of the entire movement
- Fixes: Mount Drill for BMU, cast swing for RMU
Arms bend too soon: not straight arm pull
- Ring Muscle-Up: it’s actually almost a horizontal row
- Bar Muscle-Up: push back behind the bar + pump the knees
Ring Muscle-Up: turnover is non-existent, slow or imprecise
- Watch people cycle a bunch of RMU, and begin emulating that technique
Don’t know how to make rep 2 look like rep 1
- RMU: push back and close off their hip, resulting in forward & backward momentum
- BMU: push themselves too bar back again, go too far in and momentum and timing feels off
My Advice
#1: Clean Up your Movement before putting it into MetCons
#2: Don’t stop working strength and technical progressions
Are you an advanced CrossFit athlete who is serious about building your gymnastics capacity?
Put an end to cherry picking workouts and guesswork in your training.
This program is designed with the sole purpose of getting you better at producing dense work the way gymnastics are tested in the sport of fitness.
Are you ready?
Part 3: Developing Capacity
#1: Unfatigued Skill Practice
#2: Build Volume
#3: Build Density
#4: Mixed Work Intervals
#5: MetCons Testers
Unfatigued Skill Practice
A. Warm-Up Progressions:
Move Through…
–Scap Pull-Ups
–Beat Kips
–Lat Activations
–Mount Drill
B. BMU (8 x 2) full rest b/w
C. Strict Chest-to-Bar (3 Sets x 2 FF)
Volume Progression
Week 1: EMOM 8: 3 BMU (24 reps)
Week 2: EMOM 10: 3 BMU (30 reps)
Week 3: EMOM 12: 3 BMU (36 reps)
Week 4: EMOM 14: 3 BMU (42 reps)
*stop this at functional volume | Open 20.5, 40 RMU
Density Progression
Week 1 | EMOM 14: 3 BMU
Week 2 | EMOM 11: 4 BMU
Week 3 | EMOM 8: 5 BMU
Interval Work (non-interfering movements)
Every 90s x 8 Sets
-40 Double Unders
-4 BMU
E2M x 5 Sets
-6 RMU
-12 BJO
Interval Work (interfering movements)
E90s x 7 Sets
-4 HPC @65%
-4 sHSPU
-4 RMU
4 Rounds (Rest 1:00 b/w)
-25ft HSW
-15 Cal Ski
-7 RMU
MetCon Testers
-10 Power Snatch 75/55lbs
-3 BMU

Informative rants on the Sport of Fitness.
No fluff, No BS. Just practical ways to help you improve your fitness.