Show Notes
Why Chest-to-Bar?
Standardization for Online Qualifiers
Open 2011-2021: CTB Appeared Every Year Except 2020
Chin-over-Bar vs. Chest-to-Bar
- Mobility
- Grip Width
- Practice
- Twist Yo Wrist
- Combo of 1-4
Building Strict Strength
Strength-to-Bodyweight Ratio
1) Gain strength
2) Lose Weight
3) A Bit of Both
Strict Pulling is uncommon in Competitive Fitness
Vertical Strict Pulling
- Lat Pulldown
- Banded Pull-Up (or) Partner Assisted
- Weighted Pull-Ups or Pausing / Tempo CTB (for Advanced Athletes)
Horizontal Strict Pulling
Lats: Straight Arm, Closing Down Shoulder Joint
Biceps: Elbow Flexion, Concentric & Eccentric
Grip: Tonic Grip
- Dead Hangs
- Farmers Carries
- Double Overhand Deadlift (no hook, no mixed grip)
- Plate Pinch
Grip – Regrip
- TnG Cleans (especially from the Hang)
- TnG Snatches (especially from the Hang)
- Toes-to-Bar
- Russian Kettlebell Swings
- Beat Kips
Kipping Variations
Disclaimer: If you are doing kipping gymnastics, you should be wearing grips to prevent tearing your hands. I also find that it changes athletes movement patterns, often for the better. I usually recommend a full coverage grip, something like the Bear Komplex 3-Finger Carbon Grips.
Strong, Immobile, Poor Kipping Technique (1:1 Strict-to-Kipping)
• 10 Strict Pull-Ups, 10 Kipping Pull-Ups
Weak, Mobile, Efficient Kipping Technique (1:4 Strict-to-Kipping)
• 5 Strict Pull-Ups, 20 Kipping Pull-Ups
• Feet opposite of hands
• Center of Mass stays under the bar
• Start under the bar (jumping up for your first rep)
• Concentric (upward) portion looks the same
Are you an advanced CrossFit athlete who is serious about building your gymnastics capacity?
Put an end to cherry picking workouts and guesswork in your training.
This program is designed with the sole purpose of getting you better at producing dense work the way gymnastics are tested in the sport of fitness.
Are you ready?
3 Levels of Athletes
Beginner (<4-5 sC2B, <10-12 Kipping)
Limiters: (1) strength (2) technique breakdown
Gymnastics Kip
More focus on Strict than Kipping
Practice in unfatigued settings until breakdown
Intermediate (8-10 sC2B, 20+ Kipping)
Start to Learn the Butterfly Kip
Limitations: Strength Endurance (Movement Density)
This can show up as…
• A Pump (Venous Occlusion)
• Kip Breakdown (“tired and sloppy”)
How to overcome this?
Always measure strength work with respects to time
• EMOM, E90s, E2M, Every 2:30, E3M, etc.
• Rest 60s, Rest 75s, Rest 90s, Rest 2:00, etc.
Advanced Athlete (15+ sC2B, 40+ kC2B)
• Consistent Technique
• Great Muscular Strength & Endurance
• Different set of limiters
Density (High level occlusion) accompanied by Nervous System Response (Sym), changes in fueling (lactate), Respiratory Limiters, Combination
Protocols (Examples)
- Movement Interference (Rowing & C2B, Ski Erg & BMU, GHDs & C2B)
- High HR & Respiratory Rate (Advanced) AirBike + C2B intervals
- Breathing, State (Practice down-regulations protocols out of the gym)
Gymnastics Density for the Big Five (12-Week Program)
Are your gymnastics movements holding you back from reaching your potential?
Statistics show five movements are far and away the most likely to show up in local competitions and online qualifiers like the Open. That’s why this program focuses on improving “The Big Five.”
1) Muscle-Ups (Bar & Ring)
2) Handstand Push-Ups
3) Handstand Walks
4) Toes-to-Bar
5) Chest-to-Bar
If your capacity in these movements is holding you back from taking your fitness to the next level, this program is for you!

1-on-1 Remote Coaching
Your Plan Includes…
• Customized workouts tailored to your needs
• Video calls with your coach every training Cycle
• Video analysis – having “eyes” on your technique
• Strength & Energy Systems Testing
• Access to all ZOAR paid content
• A “Welcome to the Team” box of ZOAR gear
• No commitment. Cancel Anytime.
Ready to join the ranks?
Email me to start the next chapter in your journey.