Show Notes
Outline (2 episodes)
Part 1: Principles
• Why this? Why now?
• Defining Athleticism
• Initial Success → Mastering Efficiency
Part 2: Programming
• Predicting New Movements vs. Building Athleticism
• 5 Skill Work Priorities I Focus On
• Examples of real programming from my athletes
• Listen to Part 2
Defining Athleticism
(1) Accelerated Time to Proficiency of a New Skill (Initial Success)
(2) Accelerated Time to Mastery of an Acquired Skill (Discovering Efficiency)
Related: How to Learn Any CrossFit Skill [Ep.057]
(1) Accelerated Time to Proficiency of a New Skill (Initial Success)
Time to Acquire a New Skill: 3 Factors
(1) Time, frequency & urgency of their practice (how long, how often, how badly do you need it)
(2) How many other similar skills you’ve already mastered (e.g. pirouettes, static holds → fHPSU)
(3) Who you are alongside as you practice (e.g. other athletes learning it who can share information, a coach who understands movement & motor learning as a whole, a specialist who has taught other people the movement before)
(2) Accelerated Time to Mastery of an Acquired Skill (Discovering Efficiency)
• taking your a skill from successfully completing it but it being ugly to it being smooth, methodical & efficient
(e.g. butterfly chest-to-bar goes from their shoulders from the side drawing the letter “D” to drawing a letter “O”)
…they learn to pull through the plane of the bar rather than smack it and fall down
…they learn to abruptly stop their feet in the kip, so they get the most hip pop
…they learn to allow their body to gracefully fall into the next rep vs. carrying extra bice