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3 Ways to Prescribe Heart Rate Training
(1) Heart Rate Zones
(2) % Max Heart Rate
(3) BPM (Beats per Minute)
The Zones
Ben’s Max HR | 188 | ||
HR %’s | Bottom | Top | |
Zone 1 | 50-60% | 94 | 113 |
Zone 2 | 60-70% | 113 | 132 |
Zone 3 | 70-80% | 132 | 151 |
Zone 4 | 80-90% | 151 | 170 |
Zone 5 | 90-100% | 170 | 188 |
Zone Work | Broad Applications, Great Starting Place
% MHR | Can be more specific than zones, is not individualized
BPM | No Math Needed, Less Potential For User Error, More Straightforward, Individualized
Article: Using Heart Rate Monitors for Training CrossFit Athletes
6 Principles of Heart Rate Training
(1) Use Individualized Max Heart Rate
(2) Use Heart Rate as a Governor for Intensity
(3) Use Heart Rate Primarily in Cyclical Settings
(4) Use Heart Rate for Sustained Efforts
(5) Use Climbing Caps for Underdeveloped Athletes
(6) Use Different Zones for Different Modalities
(1) Use Individualized Max Heart Rate
Mistake: Calculating HR Zones On Age Alone
Using a wrist band that determines blood flow is an unreliable way to determine MHR
Using a chest strap is the only way to get accurate Max Heart Rate data.
The Heart Rate Monitor I Recommend.
Since I’ve gotten some emails about it, I wanted to include here my favorite heart rate monitor. I like Polar HR Monitors a lot for several reasons, including accuracy, but another main one is being they connect with my Assault Bike.
Max Heart Rate Test (AirBike)
[0:00-5:00] @50% of 10:00 Test Avg. Wattage
[5:00-8:00] @60% of 10:00 Test Avg. Wattage
[8:00-9:00] @70% of 10:00 Test Avg. Wattage
[9:00-10:00] Rest / Walk
[At 10:00] Begin the Ramp Up
-Every 30s: Build your pace by X Watts, Until Failure
(Starting @ 100 Watts)
*if your 10:00 Test Avg. Wattage was >300w, climb by increments of 50w
*if your 10:00 Test Avg. Wattage was <300w, climb by increments of 25w
*note the wattage and time where you failed
*note your Max Heart Rate where you failed
5:00 Spin @ Easy Pace
(2) Use Heart Rate as a Governor for Intensity
Mistake: Writing Sustained High Zone Work
This is focusing on the wrong thing!
This is performance-oriented training so let the athlete focus on their performance.
What would contribute to a performance?
• effort, technique, paces / power output, breathing
(3) Use Heart Rate Primarily in Cyclical Settings
Example 1
25:00 Row @ Zone 2
Example 2
5 Rounds @ Zone 3
-2:00 Row
-2:00 AirBike
Mistake: Using HR to Dictate Intensity in MetCons / Mixed Work with Acyclical Components
Often Heart Rate is not the limiting factor in CrossFit workouts (e.g. IQF ‘23)
The more powerful the contractions with more rest between the more likely it is that Heart Rate is not the tool for the job.
Better tools for more powerful / less sustainable mixed work…
• EMOMs, Intervals, Set Work / Rest, Perceived Effort, etc.
(4) Use Heart Rate for Sustained Efforts
Mistake: Writing Higher Heart Rate / Zone Cap with No Ramp-Up Period
Bad Example:
[30:00 External Clock]
-Row @ 5k TT Split Pace, Until HR Enters Zone 4
-Rest 60s-
(athlete’s times: 7:02, 3:30, 2:15, 1:50, 1:47, 1:44, 1:39, 1:41)
All the work is front-loaded, which might be intentional, but usually it’s not the way to go
Needs to Account for Cardiac Lag …heart rate is, generally, a re-active physiological process
20:00 Row @ Zone 3
*take 3-5min to climb to zone 3, clock start once you are in Z3
[30:00 External Clock]
-Row @ 5k TT Split Pace, Until HR Enters Zone 4
-Rest 60s-
*first 3 intervals have a cap of 3:00
(aka. take your 60s break even if you aren’t at Z4 yet)
(5) Use Climbing Caps for Underdeveloped Athletes
Mistake: Writing a Single, Moderate Zone for an Extended Effort for an Athlete with an Underdeveloped Aerobic System.
Bad Example:
60:00 AirBike @ Zone 2 Avg.
Needs to Account for Cardiac Drift …the longer you go at the same pace, the higher your heart rate will climb
Better Example:
[60:00 AirBike]
*0-10min Zone 1
*10-30min Zone 2
*30-55min Zone 3
*55-60min @ Recovery / Flush Pace
(6) Use Different Zones for Different Modalities
Mistake: Using static zones for all modalities & not understanding that each movement will have a different Max Heart Rate.
*cardiac output, stroke volume and heart rate will vary based on the muscle groups involved & body orientation
*the equations I use for max heart rate also includes an output for cells based on the modality …and changes for each (see above link).
Zone 3 on the AirBike (does not equal) Zone 3 on the SkiErg.